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About Us

About Oz Outdoor

Oz Outdoor was founded in 2018 by a team of qualified property valuers looking to share their knowledge and insights on the Australian real estate market.
With decades of combined experience valuing all types of properties across metropolitan and regional Australia, we understand the importance of accurate valuations and ethical industry practices.
Our team keeps up-to-date with the latest industry trends, market movements and valuation approaches. We continually upgrade our skills through ongoing professional development.
At Oz Outdoor, our focus is on providing homeowners, buyers, investors and real estate agents with the information they need to make informed decisions.
Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, develop or subdivide land – our reports, resources and expertise can help guide you.

Our Promise

At Oz Outdoor we promise to:
Our valuers are members of the Australian Property Institute and work strictly within API guidelines.

Connect with us today to tap into our property valuation expertise!